We, humans, get into a panic state quite easily. These situations could be financial stress, family responsibilities, health concerns, work deadlines, or many more. These are sometimes psychological, calming us, making us unhappy, and losing our concentration. When you feel butterflies in your stomach, you feel panic or get excited? Don’t worry you are not alone, everyone may experience this at some point.

The scientific theory behind butterfly feeling?

According, to scientists, these stomach butterflies are literally connected to your brain system. Well, since the brain has neurons that deliver messages throughout the body. Likewise, the brain and gut are constantly connected. Stress acts on every part of the gastrointestinal system and this relationship is quite complicated. However, excessive stress can worsen bowel movements and gut health. Therefore, such patients can be treated psychologically along with medicinal dosages. For such symptomatic conditions, experts recommend Ayurveda and herbal treatments and the results are very encouraging.

As already mentioned, gut sensations are also controlled by neurons in the brain. This nervous system is made up of two parts. One is the sympathetic nervous system- fight or flight responses and the other is the parasympathetic nervous system- which calms the body once risk is gone. This is a vast network of small messengers together called an enteric nervous system.

ENS controls digestion. This system is also refers as “Brain-Gut Axis”. When we eat food neurotransmitters and hormones get activated and provide signals of Muscles to break down the food, absorb nutrients and excrete the waste. But when a person is stressed, his body will be releasing hormones and it will get enough energy to deal with fight-flight-fright response. In such, digestion stops or doesn’t work properly as all required energy is dealing with the risk. This will ultimately affect normal digestion.

Short-term stomach problems during stress:

  1. Stomachache
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Constipation
  4. Nausea
  5. Bloating

How to manage stress to ease Tummy Troubles?

  • Exercise: Do regular exercise, yoga, physical activity, and good nutrition.
  • Meditation: Perform guided meditation to gain new prospects, calmness and remove negative emotions.
  • Time Management: Proper work plan should be made and don’t keep workloads. Don’t procrastinate.
  • Psychological therapies: Relaxation Hypnosis, Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT)
  • Deal with weaknesses:  Try to overcome the weaknesses that will build you strong.
  • Eat properly and maintain BMI: Have healthy, energy boosting meals.

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